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MMORPG - ~Autre

GamePlay : Role Play Souple

Position 6779

Clic Sortant : 902

hello, I decided to introduce my private server nostale


more detail on the content of the server !


Author : Adramelekh
Dev : Adramelekh
GameMaster-Trial : Adramelekh, Filone
Helpeur : In Search

Rates exp

Exp : 20 | 25 WeekEnd
Fairy: 10
Gold : 10 | 15 WeekEnd
Drop : 20 | 25 WeekEnd


On the server, there will be the possibility to use buffs, as well as debuffs, so you can farm and progress on the server much easier!

Moreover, on Nostalliance, you will be able to be accompanied by your faithful acolytes who will be able to help you to fight a maximum of creature, the pets and partners! These will have the opportunity to attack on Nostalliance !

On Nostalliance you will have the opportunity to participate in regular events, Meteor Games and Instant Fights !

The cellonage is also present on the server !

Get ready to teleport your pets from their peaceful world of the mini-land, to complete great ferocious and wild beast!

Shell Système 100%
Cellon 100 %
Buff || Debuff in development
Invisible sp2/sp6A in development
Charge sp2/sp6A in development

and many other features !

More Informations :


Website: in development


other Update
- which generates event Found a buttons ( Futurs )
- LogChat ,
- LogCommands ,
- Tchat Only Staff ,
- Tchat special in game,
- CrashLog in db
- Max stack 999
- Debuff / Buff Hp up / decreasse X sec .
- System command buy
- Prestige in item
- Raids
- reward system / levels

- and many more updates are coming soon

The staff is competent and attentive, There will be no favoritism either donor or game master.
Any breach of the rules will be sanctioned. We also pay attention to our community, We would make sure that there was always a good atmosphere in peace and conviviality

We hope you will be numerous on Nostalliance !

Historique des votes
