Premier site de la communauté Freeshard de France

WoW Beez

WoW Beez

WoW Beez

GamePlay : Non définie

Position 1424

Clic Sortant : 1014

Realm Rates:
XP: 500x
Reputation: 500x
Honor: 20x
Loot: 100x
Money: 500x

This realm is called WoWBeez.
Raids and Dungeons are scripted and working. There's a custom mall where you can easily train up your professions.
Starter gear: Tier 1-5.
Starting gold: 1000.
This realm has a custom place called Pinky's Playground. There are currently 2 staircases, 2 mazes and a place where you can hang out with friends.

One of the staircases has a custom quest which you begin at the start of it and then you finish it at the end of the staircase. The prize for finishing is a companion of your choice out of 6 different ones. Same with one of the mazes. We are planning on making alot of custom stuff and fun stuff like, World Bosses, More Events etc.

To join WoWBeez you will need our custom client wich you can download from our website. You CAN NOT use any other client from other private servers you HAVE to use ours.

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